YAY HUSKER WRESTLING!!!, Boronis Photography, Nebraska Sports Photographer

It is exciting to announce that James and I have been chosen to photograph the UNL wrestling team for the Boosters.  Thank you Kim for giving us a chance to be a part of your wrestling family.  It is an awesome experience and it is a lot of fun.  I know you might have hesitated giving James the position, since he came with all the warning signs IE: ASU gear.  But thank you for seeing past the Arizona Sun Devil fan.

UNL wrestling team

For me, this was the first wrestling duel I have photographed.  In fact, this was the first duel I have seen ever.  Even with my non-existent knowledge of the wrestling rules.  I still felt the excitement and the passion we crazy Husker fans share for our team.  The duel was a fun experience and I am happy to come and shoot for the wrestling team again.


James amazed me how he could anticipate the players’ moves against their opponent.  It was nice to watch him in his element, getting close to the action, and seeing his excitement when he knew he got the shot.  I am very excited for him because we all know, I am definitely not the person who really got the job.  So congratulations James, I know you were on cloud 9 after your first Husker wrestling duel.

Check out more images on the Husker Wrestling site.

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